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All Settings

Here we have a list of all the settings that are available for the Java agent.

Any of these settings can be set as either an environment variable, System property or as part of the agent string. To use a settings as a System property simple prefix the value with -Dnv.. To use the settings as an environment variable simply prefix the value with NV_.

E.g. to use the setting name set the System property or the environment variable NV_NAME=MyAgent.

If multiple values are set then the order is set as follows:

  • agent value - this is when the value is set as part of the javaagent command e.g. -javaagent:nerdvision.jar=name=MyAgent.
  • environment variable - this is when the value is set as an environment variable e.g. NV_NAME=MyAgent.
  • System property - this is when the value is set as a system property e.g.

General Settings


The authentication token used to authorize the agent.


The name of the agent, can be useful to filter to specific agents.


The tags for the agent, can be useful to filter to specific agents.

GRPC Settings

These settings are related to the GRPC connection. Allowing control of some of the specifc settings for the GRPC connection channel.


From 3.0.1

This sets the allocator used by the GRPC connection.

  • default - Use the default allocator from Netty.
  • pooled - Use the PooledByteBufAllocator from Netty
  • unpooled - Use the UnpooledByteBufAllocator from Netty


From 3.0.1

This sets the allocator to prefer on heap allocation.

  • false - Will not wrap the allocator with PreferHeapByteBufAllocator. Unless this is the default from Netty.
  • true - will wrap the allocator with PreferHeapByteBufAllocator