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The LocalProxy can be configured via environment variables and for some options such as token, an argument.


Name Required Description
LOCAL_PROXY_TOKEN true The LocalProxy authentication token. Can also be set as the first arg after running the binary e.g. ./localproxy ${TOKEN}
LOCAL_PROXY_STORAGE_PROVIDER true The LocalProxy storage provider you would like to use. Currently supports AWS. For AWS config, see the AWS section below.

Callback URL

Although not required we recommend setting the LOCAL_PROXY_CALLBACK_URL setting. Depending on the local proxy deployment, the service may not work without this set.


REST Server configuration options.

Name Required Description Default
LOCAL_PROXY_CALLBACK_URL false The host back to the service. This needs to be set if the service is running behind a proxy and cannot be accessed using the host and port set in the server. server_host:server_port
LOCAL_PROXY_SERVER_HOST false The host of the HTTP server that is started.
LOCAL_PROXY_SERVER_PORT fasle The port of the HTTP server that is started. 9996
LOCAL_PROXY_SERVER_READ_TIMEOUT false The maximum duration for reading the entire request, including the body. 15s
LOCAL_PROXY_SERVER_WRITE_TIMEOUT false The maximum duration before timing out writes of the response. 15s
LOCAL_PROXY_SERVER_GRACE_PERIOD false The duration to let requests run during shutdown before forcing them to stop. 5s
LOCAL_PROXY_SERVER_CERT_FILE false The path to the cert file. E.g. ./openssl/ca.crt
LOCAL_PROXY_SERVER_KEY_FILE false The path to the key file. E.g. ./openssl/ca.key


General storage settings. These are not linked to a specific provider.

Name Required Description Default
LOCAL_PROXY_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME false The name of the bucket snapshots are stored in. nv-snapshots
LOCAL_PROXY_STORAGE_PROVIDER true The LocalProxy storage provider you would like to use. Currently supports AWS. For AWS config, see the AWS section below.


Configures what metadata is sent to NerdVision servers.

Name Required Description Default
LOCAL_PROXY_REDACTION_SEND_LOGS false If log messages should be sent to NerdVision servers. This will enable showing logs in the log messages panel. Logs will still appear in the snapshot details without enabling this setting. false
LOCAL_PROXY_REDACTION_SEND_ERROR_MESSAGES false Defines if error_messages should be sent to the NerdVision servers. This will enable showing the error_message in the event lists. Error messages will still appear on the snapshot details page. false


Allows you to store NerdVision snapshots in AWS S3. You firstly need to set up a bucket for NerdVision snapshots with an IAM user with read/write permissions. Then configure the following:

Name Required Description
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID true The AWS Access KeyID for the IAM user.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY true The AWS Secret Access Key.
AWS_REGION true The AWS Region for the bucket