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This document details how to download and install the Java agent. Before installing the agent, review the Java agent requirements below.



The NerdVision Java agent requires:

  • Java 1.7+


Download the latest Java agent from maven central

Check file name

The file name after the download will include the version number. Please ensure you rename the file to match that which is added to the JVM config.

Manual Agent

  1. Add this command to the Java arguments
  2. Replace the [API_KEY] (including the []) with your API key from accounts

Error Reporting

NerdVision supports reporting exceptions to allow for automatically capturing snapshots. To configure this you need to instrument your application with a call to the NerdVision API, or if you already use a supported service we will instrument your application automatically.

If you need to report exceptions via the NerdVision API, you need to add the API to your application using Maven or Gradle.

        <!--This is the main API that is used.-->
        <!--This is a reference to the agent and is needed for compliation only.-->

        <!--Your other dependencies-->
    // This is the main API that is used.
    implementation 'com.nerdvision:api:LATEST'
    // This is a reference to the agent and is needed for compliation only.
    compileOnly 'com.nerdvision:agent:LATEST'

Then you can simply add a call into the exception handling code:

    // import the API
    import com.nerdvision.api.NerdVisionAPI;

    try {
        //.. your code..
    catch ( Exception e ) {
        // send the exception to NerdVision for processing
        NerdVisionAPI.captureException( e );


To see what options are available for configuring the agent see Configuration

What's next?

After you install the agent, here are some suggestions for what to do next:

  • Login to NerdVision and create a workspace for your app.
  • Set a tracepoint on a line of real code (not comments) by clicking in the gutter.
  • Execute an action in the app that will cause the tracepoint to fire and a snapshot should arrive.
  • Look at the snapshot to see what live data from you app looks like.
  • Debug all your apps!

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